In spite of the dark and even dirty clouds that have been hanging over the political horizon, there are to be discerned one or two silver linings. Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia conferred with Periyar Ramasami, unfolding his scheme of a joint effort for the eradication of caste. The Doctor has informed the public, that he is prepared to go to any lengths, in the realisation of this common objective.
Periyar's entire politics has for its bed-rock, annihilation of caste—in fact he left the Congress, only when his sense of justice was wounded by the savage exhibition of Communalism in that camp at Gurukulam. From that time onwards, Periyar has been carrying on this crusade—and in his anxiety to get his object fortified, he was prepared to go to any lengths—even to the length of allowing others to mis-represent his motive. Hence he ought to have been immensely elated when Dr. Lohia made a sympathetic and friendly approach.
For many who have been all along thinking, that the interest of Dr. Lohia lay in the economic and political spheres alone, this 'approach' would have been in the nature of a mild surprise. Some are visibly shocked.
Whether surprised or shocked, all are interested in witnessing the further progress in this "friendly approach."
Not only Dr. Lohia, but all those who are up against 'caste' should see to it, that there is formed a phalanx.
But, for the successful formation of such a 'front', it is imperative that conditions—stipulations-should not be cooked up.
For instance, it is reported that Dr. Lohia, suggested to Periyar, that in order to get his assistance for the common objective, Periyar should give up his, Opposition to Hindi Separation of Tamil Nad, Antagonism to Gandhism and the like.
Such stipulations savour unpleasantness.
The Doctor should begin his great experiment in right earnest, instead of demanding 'the pound of flesh'.
Sweet reasonableness is the best of all prescriptions.
We hope and trust that Dr. Lohia, would be able to succeed in his effort.
Another item of interest is, this. The president of the Brahmana Seva Samaj had the goodness of heart to interview Periyar and it is reported that during the discussion they found out that basically there is no reason for antagonism between Brahmin and non-Brahmin communities. This is interesting and we would request the president of the Brahmana Seva Samaj to pursue the matter further and work towards communal concord.
Despite dangerous trends and dastaradly deeds here and there, there are 'silver linings' which should not be missed—for even the most terrific of storms would cease and the most awkward passions controlled, given the magic touch of goodwill and sincerity.
(Sub Editorial - 02.02.1958)