4 min readMay 22, 2019

Home Land (Editorial - 06-04-1958)

“Red-Tape is the root cause for all the evils generated by the government. It is this baneful system that is responsible for making the government, wooden-unsympathetic to the wishes of the toiling masses. If the welfare of the people is to be assured, we should boldly put an end to this Red-Tape."

Those who are now at the helm of affairs used to thunder forth thus against the Red-Tape when they were out hunting after power!

They gave a definite assurance to the people, that once they were installed, they would do away with this system of Red-Tape.

Anyone who attempted to explain the purpose behind the system of Red-Tape, was hauled up before the public for derision and condemnation. Such men were dubbed as stooges of British Imperialism.

And so, when the Congress was installed, the people naturally thought that they had but to intimate their wish, communicate their thought, and the government would formulate schemes, offer redress, come forward with plans! For, under the Congress regime, there could not be this Red-Tape!

And the Congress ministers too, began with some earnestness to usher in a new way. But practical difficulties arose—and is such a dimension!!

The Congress leaders found to their dismay that they did not possess strength enough to put an end to this Red-Tape. It was so inextricably wound up with the system of administration, handed over to them. They were unable to formulate a new scheme altogether.

But they would not confess! So they began to hoodwink the public. They went on assuring the people, that they were intent upon putting down the Red-Tape, very soon. And it was left to Mr. Kamaraj, to present the greatest show in this line. He told the people and the press, that he would go to the grass roots! No more ivory tower! We would go and meet the people—at their own place!—So saying, Hon’ble Mr. Kamaraj, inaugurated, what was hailed at that time as a new path altogether—we refer to the ‘Pagalmedu path.’

The Chief Minister along with senior officials of all departments, went to a small village called Pagalmedu. There was no fan-fare! No officialdom! The officials sat cross-legged-along with the Chief. The villagers, were asked to come and place their grievances! And amazed, the tillers and toilers, came to tell tales of woe and want, before the Chief. Mr. Kamaraj gave a sympathetic hearing and passed the necessary ‘orders’ then and there! The villagers were struck with wonder! The officials, perhaps, were bewildered! The press was jubilant! The public applauded their novel way!

But there were one or two, who were not enamoured of this.

We wrote, about this in a rather outspoken way and there were some who dubbed us as cynic. Those who applauded the ‘Pagalmedu path’ were naturally irritated when we wrote that this Pagalmadu is but a passing show!

How true, our observation has been, is now proved beyond doubt. For, there have been no other ‘Pagalmedus!’ The show is over!!

When on the floor of the Assembly, the leader of the D.M.K., demanded an explanation about this, the Leader of the House who had enough time to wobble about fancies, and fantasies, kept discretely silent about this.

“What has become of your ‘Pagalmedu?’ Have you given up that path?”—was the query but there was no answer.

Almost all the dailies and weekly journals wrote with warmth about this ‘Pagalmedu!’ Possibly they thought that Mr. Kamaraj would be undertaking a series of tours of that sort, distributing orders on the spot, and thus cut away Red-Tape. The journals wrote, that the astute Chief Minister has found out the best way for doing away this Red-Tape— ‘Pagalmedu’ is the way!

Sycophants began to pour encomiums on the energetic Chief Minister. “Whoever had the intelligence enough to formulate a scheme such as this ‘Pagalmedu?’ There are Cantabs and Oxonians, Bar-at-laws and criminal lawyers, Doctors in Medicine and in Philosophy! But of what avail! None had the fertility of imagination to devise a ‘Pagalmedu!’ It was left to our Chief Minister, endowed as he is with a robust common-sense, to evolve a new scheme—and we have this ‘Pagalmedu.’ ” Sycophants spoke in this strain.

But, now, they are, all of them, busy attempting to drive away the traces of remembrance about this Pagalmedu. And, when a categorical explanation was demanded there came no reply!

But the D.M.K., refused to allow the Congress to escape through calculated silence. The issue was raised again. An explanation was again called for. And, exasperated perhaps, the Leader of the House, has come forward with an explanation—and it is in the form of a defence of the system of Red-Tape!!

“Vive La Red-Tape!” seems to be the new lyric!! —and the Versatile Vocalist the Leader of the House, has given a melodious explanation about the method of Red-Tape.

Red-Tape has a purpose behind it—it is formulated for ensuring safety and stability and the government does not propose to do away with this useful system of Red-Tap—such seems to be the sermon on the floor.

The Congress leaders are not a bit pained at such situations. They have become adepts in the art of eating the humble pie! And they seem to enjoy the eating! Let them grow fat on such stuff!

We are glad that the 'fancy' weaved around the Pagalmedu scheme, has been torn to pieces. The people are now able to see for themselves that after all, we were right when we wrote that Pagalmedu was but a Passing Show.

(Editorial - 06-04-1958)




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