Annadurai , Homeland Editorial - 14-07-1957

The other day, the Chief Minister of Bombay was lavish in his advices-not of course for his partymen, for he has to cajole them now-a-days. but to the down-trodden! They are here to meekly submit to any and all kinds of advices and admonitions from all and sundry. That seems to be one of the tolls that the downtrodden is forced to pay to those who are perched on seats of power
The late lamented Dr. Ambedkar embraced Buddhism and along with him many many thousands of the Scheduled Caste people. This created quite a stir in the Hindu fold! Some who are interested in maintaining the numerical superiority of the Hindus just for the sake of political domination were even shocked.
Whenever the members of this depressed community take this course-of quitting the Hindu fold and embracing some other religion-the Hindu leaders are thrown into frenzy and begin a hasty show of sympathy and succour.
Of course the late lamented Doctor Ambedkhar was motivated by something higher than mere political bargaining when he embraced Buddhism. In fact he had very definite views about the ennobling thoughts and ways of life, unfolded by Buddhism.
But, alas he passed away-his mission so well begun was left unfinished-and there were some, sinister scheming men who heaved a sigh of relief as it were.
But the mission started by Dr. Ambedkhar has not come to a complete stand-still. There are others, though not endowed with as much of the indomitable courage which the Doctor had, still possess energy and enthusiasm enough to carry on the message to the nooks and corners of the land.
And now, to ‘stem the tide’ the Congress leaders who are terribly afraid of the Leaders of Hindu Religion and ‘Rashtra’-have taken the big stick to beat down the ‘rebels’!
The Scheduled Castes, do enjoy now certain special concessions and these are to be withdrawn as soon as they embrace Buddhism!
To say the least, this is a nefarious way of crushing down, the already downtrodden people.
For many a century they have been treated in a brutal way-they were kept in degradation and dirt-and after much agitation and heart-searchings, certain concessions are doled out to them for some time past. This is an attempt at uplifting them, it is said. Having been chained to poverty and tyranny for centuries, it is the barest minimum of justice.
But it seems that there is this unwritten clause!
We offer you this helping hand, just on this condition-you are to take these small mercies, and remain in the Hindu fold to thank us, for ever and ever afterwards!!
The concessions are granted not in the nature of amends made for the inhuman treatment meted out to these unfortunate people but just as a bait!
They have been kept so long under an unjustifiable subjucation, that they need special care and concession. There is here no question of religion. But what was all this time in their innermost thoughts, comes out now! The cat is out-and since the crown is on its head its mewing is devastating. Millions of these unfortunate people are to be deprived of the small mercies shown till now.
And, the Hon’ble Chavan, Chief of Bombay State, hurls an accusation at them. “These people,” says Mr. Chavan, “are thinking and talking in terms of Buddhisthan-a seperate state for themselves.”
We have not come across any such statement from any responsible leader of that community. Perhaps, the Congress is trying to cook up some accusation, so that the punishment meted out on these unfortunates might be justified.
It is only such inhuman treatments and unsympathetic attitudes that drive any people to despair.
Bhadant Ananda Kausalyanan, a renowned Buddhist priest, commenting during a talk with pressmen on the Bombay Government’s decision to withdraw all facilities given to the Scheduled Castes in the matter of employment and education for the Neo-Buddhists, opined that "these facilities were not based on religion but on the backwardness of these people, and therefore there was no question of the facilities being withdrawn after their conversion”.
This is healthy logic and comes from one who has no political axe to grind.
Kausalyanan cited the case of the Punjab where he said converts to Sikhism continued to enjoy the privileges they had as members of the Scheduled Castes.
If what is above stated is true, the attitude shown towards those who are converted to Buddhism becomes untenable, unjustifiable and looked at from any angle, this is most unpolitic.
The idea will gain ground in lands far and near where Buddhism prevails, that even though ‘India’ is said to have a secular government, Buddhists are kept at a disadvantage and denied such concessions as are enjoyed by the poorer section in the Hindu fold.
That such an impression gets currency is neither good, nor can it contribute credit to the sense of fairplay and justice that Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru is so laboriously attempting to inculcate in places far and near.
We would urge upon those concerned to give up peevishness and pettiness of mind and treat the Neo-Buddhists with the care and sympathy that their backwardness and poverty demand.
We do not know whether there is a demand for Buddhisthan as Mr. Chavan asks us to believe. but we are sure and certain that the Chief of Bombay State will accept that people of any religion should be assured of the fact, not by words, but by deeds, that they are living in Nyayasthan - the land of justice.
(Editorial - 14-07-1957)
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