Facts speak : Economy : Indian Economy and its growth, decline under different prime ministers.
Indian Economy faces turbulent times since early 2013 and Modi came to power with promise of growth , jobs and lesser corruption. But Did he achieve anything that he promised or atleast make a policy chnages towards the promises. Its a big No. Demonetization and messed up GST costed a lot to the country.
Here we can see the comparative analysis of stats over last 2 decades, NDA led by A.B.Vajpayee(1999–2004) , UPA 1 & 2 lead by Dr.MMS (2004-2014) with Union Govt led by Narendra Modi.
- Comparison of GDP between PMs

2. Exports growth seen decline under Narendra Modi.

3. Personal income

4. Agriculture production declined to a negative growth .

5. Minimum support price also taken a toll in this regime.

6. In short, Narendra Modi is a big failure from which he was projected as a one stop solution for India.